About Your Human Design Chart


According to Human Design, there are 4 energy types, with different contributions to make to the healthy functioning of the whole. 

Generators, subdivided into Pure Generators and Manifesting Generators, make up 70% of the world's population. You are a Generator if you have a defined (coloured in) Sacral centre.

30% of the population is non sacral, including Projectors (20%), Manifestors (8-9%) and Reflectors (just 1-2%).

The best way to understand your chart is via a reading. Readings include a recording and an interactive chart containing more features than available on free chart services. (I have removed my free chart calculator in favour of offering a 45 minute intro reading at special price - see below)

If you have questions about which reading, or coaching service, is right for you can contact me: [email protected]

Ninety minute readings are £222, which includes my study of your chart in advance. This in depth reading is suitable for diving deep into questions of life purpose, business niche or other ways in which you can more closely align with your design for more success, satisfaction and inner peace.

For those new to Human Design, I offer an introductory 45 minute reading for £97 to support your understanding of your type, strategy, authority, environment, digestion and sensory super power! 

Click on the images below!
