Sacred Tour to Peru September 2024

Visit Cusco, the Sacred Valley and Machu Picchu with optional extension to the Valley of Cacao and Waterfalls

Dates: 14th to 20th September, 2024

B – Breakfast, L – Lunch, D- Dinner

Day 1: Collection from Cusco airport, pm on 14 September. Overland to Ollantaytambo hotel, welcome circle, meditation & flower bath or “Bano de florecimento” (intention to flourish, cleanse energetically from long journey & re align the aura). Dinner at hotel.

Overnight Ollantaytambo: D

Day 2: Breakfast at hotel. Visit Sacred medicine pyramid with Despacho offering to give gratitude & blessings for our journey together. Lunch in restaurant. Optional: meet some of the mountain children to offer small gifts of pens, stickers etc). PM: Visit sanctuary of Ollantaytambo & the condor temple. Dinner at hotel.

Overnight Ollantaytambo: B, L, D

Day 3: Breakfast at hotel. Spectacular rail trip to Aguas Calientes (the town below Machu Picchu). Light lunch. PM: walk to Mandor Waterfall & Botanical garden - stop at a butterfly sanctuary. Approx 3 hrs walk in total. Evening dinner in town.

Overnight Aguas calientes: B. L. D

Day 4: Early breakfast. Bus to Sanctuary of Machu Picchu where a blessing will be bestowed upon you. Own lunch arrangements. PM return train to Ollantaytambo. Evening Dinner to share our experiences.

Overnight Ollantaytambo: B. D

Day 5: Breakfast at hotel. Traveling down the sacred valley we stop at Salineras (ancient salt mines) & Moray (circular Inka Terraces). Stop for buffet lunch at Tunupa – Hacienda. Return to Ollantaytambo free afternoon to visit the local markets in town.

Overnight Ollantaytambo: B, L

Day 6: Breakfast at hotel. Overland from Ollantaytamo to Cusco. We will connect with a local Q’ero Indian who will guide as in Cusco: Including Tambomachay, Kenko & Saqsayhuaman. Lunch in Cusco. Free afternoon to visit San Pedro Market or the Qoricancha – Temple of the Sun. Return to Ollantaytambo. Free evening, own dinner arrangements.

Overnight Ollantaytambo: B, L

Day 7: Breakfast. Early morning departure to La Convencion, Cacao Valley or Taxi to Cusco for those leaving this day.


La Convencion. Valley of Cacao, Coffee & Waterfalls
3 nights / 4 Days Dates: 20th to 23rd September, 2024

Day 7: Travel day to the valley of La Convencion, where an abundance of Cacao, Coffee and tropical fruit awaits! Approx. 3.5 hrs drive from Ollantaytambo (not including stops). We will stop at a local coffee farm and see how coffee is picked and prepared for drinking. Continuing to the City of Quillabamba. Lunch in City. Continuing on for approx. 1/2 HR. We will bathe in local waterfall of La Sirena or “Seat of the Mermaid” & visit “7 Tinajas”. Evening story telling by local curandera, who will share some shamanic techniques. PM: Light Meal. Overnight in private lodge with private pool, & Tropical climate.

RECOMMENDATIONS: If you wish to bathe in the waterfall have swim wear in your day pack, insect repellent, sun cream, hat, camera, water, walking shoes, The climate can be hot – bring a couple of light weight long sleeve cotton shirts / trousers for our 3 day visit.

Day 8: Breakfast at Lodge. Departure at 8:30am to visit enchanted waterfall of Illapani. Small ceremony to reconnect the waters. Lunch at Cacao Farm, and explanation of growing, picking and preparing sacred Mama cacao. Lunch Options: Local fish (Paco), Chicken or vegetarian option available. PM. Ancestral Self Healing workshop.

Optional Extra: Tarot Readings. Free evening. Snacks / Fruit etc Provided. Overnight Lodge.

RECOMMENDATIONS: Day bag: Swim wear, small towel (we can ask in hotel & return later), insect repellent, camera, water, walking shoes, sun cream/ sun hat, Trail snacks.

Day 9: Breakfast. Free Morning. Lunch at Lodge, local homemade Lunch. PM. Earth Healing Ceremony with Cacao – evening drumming & Fire. Overnight Lodge.

RECOMMENDATION: bring any personal items you wish to charge energetically (I e. Crystals, stones, mesa etc). And any small natural item that calls to you from home to offer to: Earth, Fire, Water, Air spirits.

Day 10: Breakfast. Early departure for Ollantaytambo. On our return we will stop at a local artisan tea factory & have the opportunity to taste and or purchase their famous green & black tea.

Sacred Tour to Peru Includes:  

  • Private transport to and from Ollantaytambo – including stops as outlined.
  • English speaking assistance & spiritual guide
  • Local guide to Waterfall
  • 2 lunches at restaurants – all other meals included with Dietary requirements catered for
  • 3 nights accommodation in private albergue on the river with private outdoor pool (Price is
    for Double room) **
  • Tour to Enchanted Waterfall & other sites of interest inc. Cacao farm, Tea Factory, Coffee
    Plantation + 2 smaller waterfalls – Private Transport + Entrance fees included.
  • Healing with sound and light. Working with the five elements. Earth Healing Ceremony & Water Blessing
  • Self-care Workshop
  • Bonfire with music & Dance
    ** Single room supplement available on request **

Your Guides

Maria Moonstar

Shamanka Trail Founder

'I welcome you to join me, together, on this journey, Sacred Tour to Peru. With love in our hearts, we as people of the earth can make a difference, each individual a small rain drop that makes a ripple on a lake, but together we can make a wave in the ocean. We just have to have courage to take the first step… and the next… two steps forward and one step back, and before you know it you`re living your dream… and the next… and the next… the cycle continues… let the Journey begin!'

Maria's Bio

Catherine Rowan

Coach/Spiritual Mentor

'I have a passion for both inner and outer journeys. Amid the pressures of a modern, western life, it's important to have times when we step out of our day to day routines for rest, for a change of scene and for a reminder of our interdependence with all of life. Journeys that touch our souls, remind us of who we are and restore alignment with wisdom, truth and beauty are so needed at this time. Join Maria and me on this Sacred Tour to Peru, a journey of inner and outer discovery, healing and joyful living.'  

Catherine's Bio

Sacred Tour to Peru 2024


Prices in USD

  • 8 days/7 nights double/shared room  $3220
  • 8 days/7 nights single room $3750
  • 4 day/3 night extension to Cacao Valley $945
  • Please contact Catherine if interested.
Contact Catherine

Join us for a transformational journey on this Sacred Tour to Peru

Maria and Catherine met a few years ago at an online event and discovered they had done the same two year women's shamanic healing certification at Shamanka in Dorset, UK, albeit they were in different cohorts.

Though their lives have taken different directions they share a common interest in healing modalities using sound and light. Both are grounded and experienced in ceremonies honouring the five elements.

This journey will be guided by Maria primarily, as she lives in Peru, has been holding these sacred tours for some years, with deep familiarity with the sites and landscape. 

Catherine and Maria will weave their magic together with additional meditations and ceremonies, relevant to the interests and needs of the group that gathers. 

“A deep thank you from my heart to yours. You kept us safe, gave us an incredible itinerary and I could really feel the heart in your offering.
A journey of discovery. A colourful experience for the mind, body & soul to undertake. Time in sacred spaces with like minded people to pause, pay respect and honor the knowledge of the ancients and nature. From wild waterfalls, sacred temples, awe inspiring mountains to magical hot springs, the tour offers so much. Maria’s passion for bringing people together in an intentional way in sacred spaces shines through. Everyday was a true gift!”

Sarah, UK



“It was a life affirming journey and I am forever grateful for the opportunity. It has changed my life for the better. There are now defined boundaries that I can acknowledge and keep. I will no  longer put up with things that do not serve me, just because it is what is deemed as “life”, or “just how it has to be”. I also realise that my connection to Source is as stronger than ever and I am on the right path to accomplishing my life’s purpose.”

Amy, USA

“A unique and magical experience. The perfect way to visit Peru. Love, gratitude, warmth, togetherness and kindness. What more could you ask for? Maria really goes the extra mile to make sure you are looked after and kept in the loop each day. An out of this world opportunity to visit Peru, physically, emotionally and spiritually.”

Matthew, England