Learn the styling strategies that enable you to express your natural beauty with confidence 


Styling Strategies is a three month journey of understanding, appreciating and embodying your natural essence and beauty.

Learn what colors light you up. Enhance your days in a supportive group of women, ultimately leaving you with design skills you can use for your lifetime.

Learn More

In The Next 3 Months, You Could…

  • Receive your bespoke essence color palette 
  •  Understand how to choose colors, styles and prints to complement your natural pigmentation and body type
  • Experience the joy of an ongoing journey of alignment with your innate divinity
  • Feel more vibrant in your life

Styling Strategies

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What frequency or quality of light do you exude?

Your color palette is unique and bespoke to you.

The approach we use is energetic and based on an understanding of four natural qualities of light - Sunlight, Twilight, Firelight and Moonlight.

Learning which you are reveals wisdom about your gifts to the world.

Other Magic in the Program...


Your Essence Colour Palette

We create your unique bespoke palette from a color library of 3500 shades! The Color Profile system is one of the most advanced color systems available, used by a select number of highly trained colorists.

  • Includes your formal and casual neutrals, plus your colors of balance, intimacy,  celebration, trust, impact, support and more!

This is the foundation information required to go deeper in subsequent modules.


Appreciate Your Unique Beauty

With the aid of your palette, you may start to see yourself differently. Shadows transform when you understand the gifts of your light frequency and stop trying to be someone you are not. 

  • Understand your light frequency and its gifts 
  • Re-evaluate your own strengths and gifts with this knowledge, understanding your value to others
  • Understand and begin to address cultural and personal viewpoints about ageing, beauty and contribution for women

You may receive meditations and practices to support any changes you decide to make as you honour your divine purpose and increase your visibility.


Create Your Conscious Closet

Which items do you keep, which can be saved with carefully chosen accessories or even fabric dye. Which items do you pass on?

  • Tips for renovating your closet
  • Clarifying your shopping strategy 
  • Eliminate randomness and confusion around your style
  • Learn how to end wasteful purchases and save lots of money over time!

We support your decision making and help with purchases! (Yes, we have researched ethical brands and have links with designers you may not have heard of!)


Advanced Design Psychology

Learn the design principles that help you to choose prints and put outfits together

  • Understand your sacred geometry, your level of contrast and complexity.
  • Learn your best sizes and shapes for accessories.
  • Know which textures, fabrics and prints work best for you.

You’ll finish this program knowing the building blocks of putting a magical outfit together that works specifically for you and feels amazing to wear. This is Strategic Styling!

Styling Strategies is a small group program (8 women). 

You will receive individual guidance with the benefits of working in an intimate group setting.


We are Catherine and Martha

We met 5 years ago on a color training and discovered a similar passion for wanting to master the newly emerging approach of working with energetic essence, rather than image.

Both of us had studied other energy modalities and been on a personal and spiritual path for decades.

The approach we teach is informed by the work of Suzanne Caygill, a 20th century milliner, artist and color analyst who made the simple observation 'Mother Nature does not make mistakes.' 

Her detailed approach to color psychology was simplified during the 80's and 90's by a number of people who co-opted and commercialised her work.

However, much was lost in the process.

We have sought trainings and teachers who are in direct lineage to Suzanne and are proud to continue to develop this amazing approach to colour and true beauty.



Styling Strategies!

Payment Plan


3 monthly payments

Pay In Full


Save $100!

We are asking to meet you via an exploratory call before you make a payment. We are currently gathering interested women and will publish dates for this group once we have noted preferences. This call is an opportunity to ask questions. There is no obligation to participate by booking this call. 

Please book by emailing either Catherine or Martha

Martha: [email protected] (Eastern US timezone)

Catherine: [email protected] (UK timezone)

The video below is a conversation between Martha and Catherine about our journeys with essence based color analysis.


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