Relational Mastery

For Feminine Leaders

Have you experienced wounded relationship dynamics?

Life is fundamentally about relationships, to other people, to other living beings, to your profession, to your health, to your sense of purpose.

Over a lifetime, each of us has many wounding experiences and we bring the beliefs and points of view we’ve acquired as a result to our relationships. It’s an ongoing story. We are wounded through relationships. We seek healing and love through relationships.

Let go of the past and begin every day at a higher level of love. ~ Don Miguel Ruiz

The journey of the heart, the path of love can hold many rewards when we see it as a developmental route for our spiritual and emotional maturity. Some may achieve this through a lifelong marriage. Others experience the journey differently. This has been true for me.


Is it Time To Explore and Heal Your Relationship Patterns?

I speak to many women about their relationship dramas. It seems to me that broken hearts seek healing through a desire for validation. We seek approval for our own actions while relating our stories of how the ‘other’ is or has disappointed us.

Is this you? 

‘I know you’re an amazing woman. You’re competent and responsible, with passions, ideals and ambitions.

You want to be a whole woman – a mother, a lover, a professional – while also being valued just for being you.

However, despite your ideals, you’ve found yourself in relationships that seemed promising at the start but, at some point you realised…..‘It’s happening again..…’

Maybe the man became increasingly unavailable…. or increasingly controlling…. the longer you were together.

So, you tried to have conversations about the relationship. Relationships take work.  Right?  So, one of your patterns is to make a lot of effort to sort the problems out.

I know the effort becomes exhausting.

The lack of true support becomes disheartening.

And sometimes, things turn toxic and you end up in a downward spiral…….

Maybe you are wondering if the real problem, as female folklore suggests, is an extreme shortage of emotionally competent men. In which case, you are probably asking whether relationships are worth your effort at all.

You’ve had enough. You know you have a big heart. But, it has been through a lot of bruising and damaging.

Let’s face it. You’ve become guarded and self protective.

The problem is that this not only cuts you off from potential relationships it cuts you off from fully expressing yourself. Where’s the freedom in that?



Relational Mastery


Now, take a moment to imagine what would it be like to live with a more open heart and less defensiveness when your relational wounds are triggered. Sense the freedom and joy!

If it’s time to restore your energies and evolve beyond your relationship wounds. I’d love to help. It’s time to engage with your own sensuality. It’s time to heal and to forgive (yourself and others.)

With more understanding and command of your energy, you have more power in relational situations.

There is a brief outline below of Relational Mastery’s alluring, divine, earthy, luscious, promising, and ravishing content, which will be tailored to your specific objectives and needs. (This programme can be likened to an essential luxury – like sensuous, organic, dark chocolate, the gorgeous scent of essential oils, the touch of silk on your skin or the cool sand beneath your feet on a summer evening beach walk.)

You will find this journey to be natural, nurturing, perceptive, provocative, relaxing, refreshing and renewing. You may have a few more adjectives afterwards.


Understanding your path

To create a strong foundation you'll learn (or explore more deeply) your energetic blueprint (Human Design and astrology charts). In particular you'll be guided to understanding of energies that may have impacted relationships. If relevant, relationship charts of current or significant past relationships can be consulted.

Cutting of ties

We’ll be considering anything that may be preventing you from moving forwards including past connections that feel incomplete, vicious cycles that you may find yourself in from time to time and heartbreak that remains unhealed. The time has come to move forward with kindness and forgiveness, starting with yourself. This can be challenging. But it is essential.

Your relationship to yourself

If you have been prioritising the needs of others, it’s likely that parts of you remain hidden, untended and/or unheard. You may have done a lot of work on yourself. But, it is now time to address your core wound and the beliefs that result in self sacrificing tendencies.

Self Mastery

You will be called to step into your power, to establish the terms and conditions of your relationships and clear the points of view that may make it difficult to establish and hold boundaries. This will enable you to create a new model for your role in relationship and clarify the values you want to uphold. It will now be easier to step away from people who are not in alignment and situations that could turn toxic.


The outcome of the programme is a particular type of freedom that includes: the freedom of self expression, the freedom to state boundaries, the freedom of choice, the freedom of clear seeing and freedom from binding patterns and misplaced loyalties.

As a result of dissolving defences and associated reactive patterns, you are able to follow your heart’s deep longings. Most importantly, you will know how to hold your power in relationship, which has nothing to do with entering into power battles.

Relational Mastery

The journey is one of increasing freedom and deepening love, irrespective of outer circumstances. What you learn will also benefit the non-romantic relationships in your life.

You will feel more complete and happier within yourself, which may change the type of partner you look for – or the type of relationship you enter into. And if you are in a partnership, you may find it changes – for the better. (You could also decide that it is time for it to end.)

Your broader vision for relationship includes your commitment to your work and your children. You will feel more grounded, more connected and more able to stay in your own energy field

About my journey

In 1998, I moved from urban London to leafy Surrey as a newly single mother. I went through an incredibly costly marriage and divorce – emotionally and financially. Afterwards, my friends commented on how the person I used to be had ‘disappeared.’ 

I moved to Surrey to lick my wounds while living in harmony with nature, honouring my body, my desires and my intuition. I was also determined to change my relationship ‘fortune.’

That resolve began a transforming journey, which in my case has remained one of dedication and fascination, as I realised what a powerful doorway relational experience is to spiritual development.

I know what it’s like to be in a situation that has turned toxic. I know what it’s like to feel that you’ve had enough. And I know what it’s like to heal and to forgive. 

The real prize of this work to be the opening of the heart and access to the deeper love that is not dependent on being in love with another.

That is where you find freedom and choice and forgiveness.

To learn more about how I can help you, please book a free of charge Exploratory Call.

The transformational tools used for this work together come from my certifications in Awakening Coaching and Deeper Love Coaching. 

Other teachings you will be introduced to are based on my understanding of the natural laws of energy/duality, gained from study of Taoist and Indian tantric traditions. 

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Your Investment

Prices below are the price in full. (ie. no additional tax)



4 monthly payments

  • 3 x 90 min private sessions per month
  • Between session messaging support
  • Content video plus handout for the 4th week of the month
  • Feminine Wisdom E-Course
  • Additional meditation videos offered as needed



4 month commitment

  • 3 x 90 min private sessions per month
  • Between session messaging support
  • Content video plus handout for the 4th week of the month
  • Feminine Wisdom E-Course
  • Instant access to full suite of meditation videos (Meditations for Emotional Mastery
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