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Understand Your Brand with Human Design

human design human design projector personal brand personality sun Aug 12, 2024

Human Design is fast becoming an important tool for understanding and clarifying your unique personal brand.

I'm writing this blog to demonstrate why and how, using my own chart positions as an example.

A human design chart uses the astrological positions of your birth date. However, instead of telling you what signs the planets are in, human design uses the gates of the IChing, of which there are 64 in total. Spread around the wheel of the year, the sun spends 6 days in each gate. Each day represents one line of the I Ching hexagram. (There are 6 in total.)

The natal positions are referred to as the Personality or conscious positions. These positions describe your expression in the world and how others see you. The chart also displays the positions 88 days before you were born. These represent the soul imprint and are referred to as the Design or unconscious positions. They are the soul imprint and therefore internal, rather than external. 

For your personal brand, the gate and line of the sun at the time you were born are important. The light of the sun shines forth from you and the energies of the relevant gate are likely to be something that others pick up and value you for. So, when you align your brand with what you communicate to others energetically, everything feels consistent and right to them. You make life easier for yourself by enhancing and expressing what you are, rather than trying to promote something that is in conflict with your natural expression.

My natal sun is in gate 22 line 1. (Which happens to be in Pisces if you'd like the astro info.) It's called the gate of grace. It's associated with graciousness, beauty and openness. Knowing this and feeling the match with my energy, I want to communicate those qualities through my words and images.

Opposite gate 22, in Virgo, is gate 47. This is in the Life Challenge position in my chart. Gate 47 is to do with suffering and oppression. So, it's no surprise a theme in my life has been the transformation of suffering to experiences of grace. And in fact, this is what I do for my clients. Of course, I'm a trained transformational coach. But, now you see why I've been drawn to this profession and how aligned it is for me. I carry the energies of transformation of suffering.

Both of these gates are line 1, the investigator. Gate 22 line 1 is called the 'second class ticket' in the metaphorical human design language. Gate 47 line 1 is 'taking stock'/eradicating negative thoughts'.

Yes, I do help my clients eradicate the negative factors that have led to their suffering so as not to perpetuate it. And that requires me to help them to transform limiting beliefs and habitual emotional reactive patterns.

In the context of my work as a coach, I'm usually supporting leaders. I'm not running their businesses. The second class ticket is about humility and not needing to be the one in the limelight. Given my incarnation cross is called the Right Angle Cross of Rulership (leadership), I interpret this as my role is to be the power behind the throne.

At this point, I'll mention that my human design energy type is Projector. The role of the Projector is to be a wise guide. The positions all seem to be consistent with my energy type! And I can create my communications from this foundation of understanding.

There are other considerations when it comes to niching, communication, business structure and day to day work. Human design can be invaluable when you are considering a change of niche, a pivot of services or to know if you might be more successful as a solo entrepreneur, a business partnership or organisation.

For more information and to book a human design reading, you may want to read this page

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